Last but not least let me bring thanks to those people
that during my life has giving me the support and encouragement to keep
up the painting and drawing when the inspiration and motivation was low.
*Thanks to friends and family for always being there for me.
*Thanks especially to my are the sunshine in my life - There
is no love greater than the one you have for your children.
*I would also like to thank my husband for the technical advice and help
that made it possible
to make this webpage.
*Regards to Christy and Derek in the Chathouse...I feel privileged to have
met you.
*Hans, you are my good friend, I will alwys be there for you as I know you
will for me!
*Thanks to those who have left an everlasting impresion on me, showed me
moments of exstreme
happiness...I never forget you and always keep a special place for you in
my heart!
Remember that you are very special
and remain just the way you are... a "livsnyder"
*To all others that have visited my homepage...thanks for taking the time
to look at my paintings.
I hope you enjoyed them.
I have just for one brief moment made you stop and think about the beautiful
things in life
I have achieved my goal by painting
If I have brought just a little bit of sunshine into your life
I have achieved my goal in life
Marianne *S*
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