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Even if the
whole world tells you that you are wrong, then believe your heart...if you
have the courage.
There is
no way which is the right way No ways which leads anywhere
The only one that matters is the way of the heart
Do not ask
the heart why it is on fire, as long as it is not cold.
Who you love has no matter
That you love is everything.
Love is the
gentle hand that softly pushes fate aside
The one who
lives without making mistakes, is not as wise as he thinks
You do not
get chances ...you take them
Think about
strangers as friends you just have not met yet.
There are
no miracles for the one who do not believe in them
First long
after, when it is too late, you know which years were the happiest...so make
every day the best
Lovers do
not met in the end...they are in each other from the very first moment.
Two people
who loves each other can cause each other more pain than anyone in this world
Two people who loves each other can heal the most painful wounds just by being
there for each other
Love is a
friend, a fire, a heaven...a hell.
To admit
that you made a mistake, is really only to say that you are wiser today than